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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy to Be not Expecting Anything

I love not being pregnant. Yes, babies are cute. Yes, kids are funny. But i did that, been there, mine is 20 years old and out the door, PRAISE JESUS!!!

I love children, but I really love them when they aren't mine. I can't imagine starting over with the midnight feedings, the stinky green gooey diaper changes, the drool, the potty training. The puberty years. I hate the puberty years. I hated mine. I hated my kids. I think puberty is hell on earth.

I have a grand dog, sophie the puggle, and she's all the baby i want ever again!

i got all these men sniffing around me. I've lost 8 more pounds. My body is morphing into a shape it hasn't been in since college.
i want a man to love, to hold, to rub my back and laugh when i fall over for the first time and then the 100th time. I fall alot!!!
if i could find a man that can be honest without being mean and has a sense of humor that would be great.
i enjoy simple stuff, watching a movie, running around the house, even vacuuming can be fun if you try to make up song and dance while you are doing it.
FYI on that, don't use the cord like a whip, it comes out of the plug and that just ruins the moment.

yes, i dance around naked.
yes, i can't pronounce femininity and about 100 other words.
yes, i'm crazy.
yes, i'm moody.

but i'm an all or nothing person.
when i love a man i give it my all.
so why is it so hard to capture that and hold it together in pretty picture frame?

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