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Saturday, March 26, 2011

change sucks

my boss is leaving work and i hate not knowing what's going to happen next. not only am i going to have to work more but what if i don't like my new boss. and trust me i have one of those personalties that if you don't get it, you don't like me. and that has happened to me with a couple of bosses before and it has never ended well for me.

change just sucks. i had my little routine going, i was used to the status quo and now i gotta adapt. the older i get the less i like that word, adapt.
but time only moves forward, so i just have to suck it up and put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

being a mature adult really stinks sometimes, why was i in such a rush to grow up, i think i was sold a bad bill of goods!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

O What a beautiful day!

spring is in the air, crazy happy madness everywhere!
getting urge to clean, must fight it!

wow, it is a nice day. to bad i'm chained to the work laptop due to system issues. i have to check it every couple of hours. so i can't go too far or stay gone too long. at least they didn't call me at 3am to bounce the application, my boss did that, but he leaves on 3/29 and my buffer is gone, so sad. next few months could be rough with an increased work load. that will make me cranky, which really isn't that hard to do.

so i'm watching the harry potter marathon, chilling, and i did a little cleaning. i need to get out into the garage and get through the last bit of crap from the move that never got put where it needs to go.

my kid is unenthusiastic about this, like i'm looking forward to it (sarcasm here people)

i have to take my kid to a therapist, and she's been prescribed zoloft. doc thinks she has an anxiety disorder and is possibly ocd. none of which surprises me. i'm bi-polar and have borderline personality disorder, her dad's side suffers from anxiety and ocd issues. i told her, did you really think with your DNA line you'd come out with zero mental issues, as if!!!

It could be worse. She just doesn't like be called crazy, which made me laugh. I'm so used to be called crazy it doesn't phase me anymore. I think she's just scared. But I knew this day would come, I've been seeing things for about 4 years now that have made me wonder, but if i brought up the subject she'd melt down faster then an overheated nuclear reactor. She did the same thing to the doc, but the doc wouldn't let her be about it.

Like I said the next couple of months should be real interesting, changes at work, both my kid and i medicated. yes, loads of fun, loads!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Damn that Diane Sawyer

My heart aches for the people of Japan. I have been following things using the internet to avoid tears. I made the mistake of checking in on the evening news with Diane Sawyer, and damn it, they were in the middle of a piece on Japan and the rescue efforts. I was holding it together until the part about the dog running to rescue workers and bringing them back to another dog that was injured. I lost it! My dog looked at me like I was nuts, which I am. I just couldn't keep the tears in check any longer, Diane's voice seemed haunted. Damn that woman!!!

Again, my heartfelt and deepest sympathies for the people of Japan!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


well, nothing is infected, YET! but my throat is all red and irritated. doc gave me an anti-depressant that should help with my pain and sleep and depression. i think that's alot to expect of one medication. doc says if not better in 2-3 weeks then to come back in. my blood work showed improvements in my chlosterol and tryglcerides, but my vitamin D was low. so the doc gave me a vitamin d prescription as well. i have to take 1 vitamin d pill once a week for 12 weeks then go have blood drawn to see if it's working.

everyone is telling me just go out in the sun more, uh, what sun????
this winter has been dark, dreary, and mostly sunless. and march has been no better, we had snow on the ground friday, yesterday was cloudy, and today is cold and cloudy. i'd go out and get some sun if i ever saw any.

i am so ready for summer, but then i'll complain it's too hot!
i'm never happy with what i got.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

back to the doctor

so it's back to the doctor in the morning, they should just put in a revolving door for me. this year has been insane with sickness. and it's really depressing me. so much now, i want an anti-depressant. but with all due consideration, my shoulder and knee are in a constant state of pain, and my headaches are endless. i did have 3 days in a row last week with no headache. i sneezed, coughed, and sniffled, but all the junk kept coming out onto the snot rag, so no headache!!!

i'm doing a whole bunch of nothing. i keep my knee up and iced. i icy hot my shoulder. i just want to sleep all through the night. i toss and turn to go to sleep, so it's around midnight before i'm out. then i wake up between 4-6am to pee and let the dog out to do the same. i wake up like i never slept and it's really starting to impact my ability to function. to say i am not firing on all cylinders is an understatement. i'm like fully loaded and half-cocked or is the half-loaded and fully cocked???

i can't even put a sentence together. sheesh!!!
tonight is it bed time yet?

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Baby Girl turned 20 years old today!

My daughter is 20 years old going on 5! She's no longer a teenager. She only has her permit to drive. She doesn't have a job. She's not enrolled in college, and she sleeps all day and plays on her computer all night.

Pro's, she's not pregnant, drinking booze, whoring around, or addicted to drugs.

I think I'll take lazy over crack whore any day.

Love my baby!!!