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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cramps and Boredom

well my female cycle was late and for some reason it has come with a fury.
i'm cramping, bleeding through pads, and i hurt like crazy.
i try all the pms pills but they don't help.
i have no appetite, no joy, no hope, no desire to move.
i just want to stare into the inside of my eyelids and not sleep.
i love this boredom because i choose it.

still no house.
we are on hold until the end of july.
i feel like goldilocks, this house is too small,
this house is too big, there's a basement, there's a funky smell, etc..
the one house we wanted we got outbid on, oh well.
maybe the summer we will have better luck and find that one house that is for us.

so today the big plan is to do laundry and be lazy.
i think i can do it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Back against the Clock

Time is running out on the house hunt.
I have until Monday before I'm locked out of the account i was borrowing from to do the down payment for a month.

I guess it is a good thing because after 19 houses, being out bidded by $1261, and passing on a bidding war for another house, i'm burnt out on it.

I'm going to take this next month to think, reassess my needs, and save more money.

I think we will start looking again mid-July.

Yes, sometimes Life does work out in a way that is better then you planned.

I know there is the one house out there that is perfect for me the kid and the pup.

I need to relax, rethink, and reenergize.