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Thursday, February 12, 2015

So Close and So Sick!

Had a blast at Raw! Got to see Roman Reigns getting ready to make his entrance.
Turns out when I'm nervouse I say everything in my head out loud.
That got a smirk out of him.
I turned into a mushy teenage giggly school girl, I really did.
I even ooooohhhhhhddddddddd and aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddddd!!!!
I was just trying to hurry up from going to the bathroom to get back to my seat so I wouldn't miss his entrance.
Seeing him prepping to enter was cool and unexpected and I geeked!!!

What wasn't so fun, walking through the freezing temps from the kid's parking garage spot.
We froze there and back and it took way more than 10 minutes.
But we did meet a fellow female wrestling geek fan and we are going to money in the bank with her in June.
I know I know I know, we are are hopeless, but you got to love doing something right!!!

Tuesday I slept all day, sick!
Headache, fever, sneezing, coughing, so sad and oh so sick.
Of course, my kid had been sick Sunday and Monday.
So I spent Tuesday and Wednesday with it.
She had to take tylenol and cold meds just to get through Raw.
And she had to let me drive us home because she didn't feel well enough.
She had be my GPS though because she knows the way and I don't.
Plus, she said with her headache she couldn't handle my constant nagging of her driving.

I don't think i constantly nagged her while she drove.
I merely commented on the speed, her level of fiddling with everything (radio, cell phone, etc...)
She doesn't keep her hands on the wheel at all.
She's always messing with stuff and moving around the front of the car!
How has she kept from having an accident i have no idea.
She waits till the last possible second to brake!
The drive there was nerve racking for both of us, lol!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Monday RAW Adventure

So excited, me and the kid, are heading to Monday night RAW this coming Monday.
Yes, i watch wrestling and i like it ALOT!!!!
It isn't reality t.v. and it isn't so scripted that i have to give it a ton of thought either.
and it isn't UFC or MMA where there's real blood and guts all the time.
It's enough cheesy and physical that it meets my happy medium of mind numbing entertainment.
I go to enjoy it.

I go to forget that i got a pay cut last year that wiped out my last 6 years of raises.
I go to yell and scream and act goofy.
I go to look at the man candy.
I go to forget that most of the time my life is exceptionally boring.
I don't do much in the way of entertainment.
I seldom go out.

I'm going to start working on paying down my debt.
I'm going to focus on credit cards, there's only 2 so that I want done in 6 months.
Then i'm going to work on the car.
After the car is paid off I'm going to hit my last student loan.
Then my kid's car and student loans.
I'm hoping within 2-3 years with the exception of the home and of course our monthly bills like electricity to be debt free.

so entertainment will be scarce.
i have enough scrapbooking stuff to keep me busy for ages.
plus, now with scripture study class and church activities which are free that should be keeping me busy.
but i do love seeing the super hero movies on the big screen.
you really can't be that, the big ultimate screen with the surround sounds are awesome, but i really want to be debt free.
student loans for my daughter are already near $50K and she just informed me she wants to get her masters.
ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm so proud, i'm so proud, i am so proud!

but it so expensive.

so if i can start paying on them now and maybe by the time she gets that masters she will owe little to none on it that would be awesome.
now i know why God only blessed me with one child.
i do so much for her and i would do that for all my children i would need millions to raise more than one, lol.

we are blessed.

we have everything we need and most of what we want.

not that we have expensive taste. i get so excited when i buy a book. really i do. i'm such a geek.

i'll be the woman on raw with a roman reigns rocks sign and on the back it will say Hi Dad it's SIS!!!