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Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Dog Poop incident

This apartment complex constantly reminds me why I no longer want any children!

Yesterday, I'm doing my laps. I do lap one with no problems. I am doing a lap in less then 3 minutes. I round the corner of lap two and I see Butter the dog with one of his little child owners running away from some bushes in front of the apartments ahead of me. I'm thinking great, the kid let the dog crap in the bushes. But that's not a huge deal, I've never seen either child (there are 2) walking that dog ever carry a bag to pick up the poop -- NEVER!!!

So I'm walking along, and a different child waves to me and starts talking, so I slow down and take my ear bud out and turn my head so I can hear what she is saying and I step in fresh dog poop!!! I nearly fall!!! I am annoyed!! I go wash my shoe off and i flag the apartment manager down and show her the poop, we can be fined for not picking it up. I tell her it was Butter, the little girl pipes in that she saw it too and DJ was walking Butter.

So the apt. manager goes and talks to the kid and his Dad. I'm standing by the poop, which is now EVERYWHERE, so the kid knows where to clean it up. I even get him a bag and some paper towels. He comes around the corner and says I don't see it and walks off!!! Little Fucker!!!

So I tell the apt. manager he didn't clean it up. So now she has to call his Mom. I see him and say, go clean up your dog's poop. he won't look at me but he says my dog didn't do that. I tell him, I saw you and your dog there right before I stepped in it. I KNOW it was YOUR DOG!!! And he looks at the ground and says NO it wasn't. I tell him to stop lying and just go pick it up. He runs off with all his little friends. Now I am PISSED OFF!!!

So the apt manager threatens to fine his family $50 and he goes 1/2 assed cleans it up (he's like 8-9 years old) and then he fails to get the bag and paper towels in the dumpster. At this point I am so frustrated and disappointed in the whole situation that I go in to really really clean my shoe, cuz it's even on the top part of it. And my shoes are fairly new and they were expensive!!! I didn't even get a mile walk in.

Now I'm just going to walk while the kids are at school. When they are here I'll go to the dark park or next door where people actually WATCH their kids and not let them run WILD!!! I swear, it is like fucking Lord of the Flies over here at times. They don't get out of the way when a car comes. They get into your stuff. They walk right into your garage if the door is open. I'm DONE!!!

I'm going to start looking around to see if I can find a house to rent or lease to own or something. I'm so fucking sick of neighbor kids!!!

On the upside, this morning I went to the doctor and lost 8 more pounds!!!

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