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Thursday, July 29, 2010

who said strange is wonderful

my life has been buzzing along with quite a bit of strange lately. and it just has me baffled more then anything. the weird late phone calls, emails from people that say they know me, but they don't. it's like some conspiracy to drive me crazy. but that's such a short trip for me i don't even need to pack a bag.

i made gab unplug from technology for a whole hour last night. no tv, cell, or internet. we sat on me bed and talked about stuff that needed talked about. college expenses are going through the roof and we are not wealthy people, nor is anyone we know or related to even well off. the hard reality is this good be her last year at college in Kentucky. i just can't keep shelling out several thousands of dollars every year on her schooling. i'm still paying off my student loans. she might have to readjust her dream. and switch to an in-state less expensive school for her 4 year. and get a part time job near campus that can be full time in the summers.

no one would hire her this summer because they are a huge # of applicants that can work all year round. and alot of older people that are more responsible that normally wouldn't work at places like fast food or little mall shops are now in the job market because of the crappy economy. i am in constant fear of being laid off myself. you never know when the axe will fall these days, no matter how hard you work or what a good job you do.

it's a hard pill for her to swallow. she really likes her school and i like it too because it's small and cozy and i feel she is safe there, but unless there is a drastic positive change in our finances i am afraid she will have to transfer to somewhere not so expensive and far away.

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