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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


i'm trying to come up with my new year's resolutions. i seldom keep them. i had forgotten what the word resolution even meant, so i googled it:

resolution - a noun, a course of action determined.
or decided on. firm determination.

there's other ways to define the word for laws and physics, but the above is applied to the tradition of the new year's resolution.

i noticed the word revolution and resolution are only one letter apart. so why can't the new year's resolutions you make cause a revolution in your life?

a sudden, radical and complete change to how you live your everyday life.
there are many reasons why the new year's resolutions fail. but this year i'm not making resolutions. i'm having a shannon revolution!

i like it!

i'm going to make huge changes with gusto, passion, and enthusiasm. goodbye to the old me and hello to the new me.

there is alot to do. i must plot my overthrow of my current existence and make plans for the new ruler of my life!!! Yes, I like it!

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