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Saturday, November 6, 2010

the move is on!

i'm moving into a 3 bedroom apt. more space, more storage, 2 car garage and only 3 doors over, so about 35 feet. so hopefully, this move will be fairly painless, except for the cleaning :(

i keep scrubbing, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, wiping, and dusting i'm going to have both my arms fall off from wearing them right off the bone.

dog prints all over the walls, sure magic eraser takes it off, but after a serious amount of laborious scrubbing. and i have to be careful where i take the dog paws off cuz the dog is still here and will reapply them.

we get keys tuesday and i hope to be fully moved into the new place on saturday. gab and i can move all the small stuff, like computer desk, clothes, the tv's, microwaves, and books, loads of books, 75 cookbooks alone, not to mention all my cooking magazines.

my dad is going to move the dog runner down to the new patio, take down and move the massage shower heads and put back the original shower heads, he's going to take the top of the dinning room table, and take my daughter's bed frame apartment. he hurt his foot and hand so he can't actually move anything, just disassemble it.

i've asked some young male neighbors and my fellow male church goers to help on saturday with the heavy and bulky stuff, mattresses, washer, dryer, dressers, credenza (the thing weighs a ton!!!)

then the cleaning go really go into overdrive, treat the carpet stains from kid, cat, and dog, clean the carpet, dust, vacuum, oh the list goes on and on. i'm going to be exhausted. but moved! let the fun begin!

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